Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Day 136

Day: 136 Miles: 17.4 Trip:  1840.5  Started: Garfield Ridge Sh.  Destination: Graford Notch 

The day started out with another very steep downhill.  The weather report for today is calling for more rain.  We got an early start out of the shelter to put in as many miles as possible.  Early in the afternoon the rain set in and we decided to take a shorter trail down to the notch. 

Somewhere on the way down Jay decided that this was not the vacation he had envisioned.  I think he was very up for hiking more, but the terrain in this stretch is truly quite tough.   Vacation days are important and he did not want to get back from is vacation less rested than he started.  I cant fault him at all for this logic.  This stretch would be much more enjoyable if it was done in a series of days with larger rest periods between climbs.  The views here are truly grand, but they really do make you pay for them.

We took a shuttle back to his car from the Grafton Notch and found a cheap motel in Gorham for the night.  In the morning he will be able to shuttle me back to where I left off.

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