Saturday, August 3, 2013

Day 126

Day: 126  Miles: 8.7 Trip: 1742.3  Started: Random Site, West Hartford  Destination: Norwich, VT

Doing a short day today.  It rained a little last night, but I managed to find a great stealth site (to right).  The line between being a thru-hiker and a vagrant is getting shorter and shorter.  There was one advantage, I had Wifi for the night from a nearby deli.  I was planning on crossing into NH today but I was not able to find a good place to stay tonight in town.  I opted to stay just across the border in Norwich.  There are a number of trail angels in Hanover that help hikers out with a place to stay but I was not able to score a bed so I opted to stay just across the border in Norwich VT.   If I can find a good place to stay in town tomorrow I will do a zero in Hanover.

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