Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Day 129: Into New Hampshire

Day: 129 Miles: 16.6 Trip: 1760.4  Started: Hanover, NH Destination: Trapper John Shelter 

 Leaving a good town is hard.  I ended up not leaving hanover until 11am.  I managed to get in almost 17 miles though and made my way into NH.  The terrain is already changing quickly.  I know the White Mountains loom ahead and I got my first little taste of the elevation changes to come while climbing Holts Ledge.  There was a great view at the summit.
Off a little side trail near the top another through hiker scored a great cliff edge camping spot.  I was envious and almost set up myself but decided to catch up with Lentil and Phiefer at the shelter site. 

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