Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Delayed already!

Alas, a setback already!  But just a small one.  I need a few extra days to finish building a show I am working on so I have to push my start date back until March 6.  Just a small delay.  I am still eager and exited to get started!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Day: -10  Miles: 0  Trip: 0

To better keep track of my posts and progress on the trail I am going to add a small tag line to the top of each post.  I will format it like this: Day: XX  Miles:  XX   Trip: XX.   Day for day number (today is -10)  Miles for the number of miles completed for the day and Trip for the total miles so far.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Ten days to go!

Ten days until my official start date!  I am starting to get real exited about starting the trip.  I need to make sure everything is taken care of here at home so that I can start out without feeling like I have left things undone.   I would not be able to do this trip without the blessing and loving support of Mary.  I truly owe her quite a bit for helping me live out this quest.  I still have a few last things to put together until I have my official gear squared away.  Gear lists and videos abound for the AT and I will make the obligatory video when I have everything finalized.