54 Miles: 13.9 Trip: 556.1
Started: Atkins VA Destination: Knot Maul Branch Shelter

Stayed the night in Atkins and got a late start. After a nice breakfast at The Barn I headed out. Because of the late start I was only able to get in 14 miles, but enjoyed the easy trail and nice skies. The trail maintenance crew in this section does an awesome job. I would have thought the section at mile 548.5 from the elevation profile was a roadbed. It turns out it was a normal switchback but it was one of the best graded switch backs I have had so far. It strange how the small thinks like this become highlights!
Near Little Bushy Mountain I came across some creative artwork (right). Its a small reminder of the varied creativity and skill you find in the average AT hiker.
Today is a milestone! 25% done! The miles are coming easier and it will be soon enough until I am 1/3 done. I think I might be able to avoid the dreaded Virginia blues. Time will tell.
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