Friday, April 12, 2013

Day 36: Biggest mile day so far.

Day: 36 Miles: 23.5 Trip: 341.5 Started: Sams Gap Destination: Erwin, TN

I spent the last night just past Sams Gap.  I had intended to go a little farther but a bad thunderstorm was moving in and decided it would be best to set up camp as soon as possible.  I knew I would not make it as far as the next shelter and did not want to set up in the rain.  It was a bad storm!  I had good cell service that night and was calling for tornado warnings and severe thunderstorms.  I hunkered the outside edge of my tent as close to the ground as possible and set up a few logs around the outside to prevent splashes from getting all the way inside.  It worked pretty good and I was more or less dry in the morning.  The storm was pretty bad and woke me up a few times during the night.  The next day started out cool and very foggy, so much so that quite a bit of water was condensing and dropping from the trees all morning.  I was disappointed that Big Bald was totally fogged in and I missed out on some great views.  Later in the day the sun eventually did come back out and I decided to push all they way to Erwin to make up my lost miles from the night before.  Coming down off the ridge I had some good views of town.

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