Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Day 33

Day: 33 Miles: 11.1 Trip: 290.2 Started: 279.1 Destination: Hemlock Hollow Hostel

First hot day.  Today was one of the first days that I actually felt hot.  I did not think it was affecting me all that much but by the early afternoon I was getting really tired from the sun and heat.  The trees have not yet bloomed so for now I am in the sun all the time.  I was not planning on stopping so early but I thought I would check out a newer hostel on the trail.   I slightly wish I had not.  I have mixed opinions about Hemlock Hollow.  The location is comprised up a few cabins, bunk house and an office that has some resupply and a small cafe.  My biggest complaint is about the management.  While they are nice enough people, they are not focused on running their business and are vague on prices and hidden fees.  If you choose to stay here in the future make sure you know for sure how much things cost.  I wish them luck with the business, but they need to focus more on proper management and staffing.  One of the highlights of the day was the view from the Camp Creek Bald Lookout Tower.

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