32 Miles: 5.2 Trip: 279.1 Started: Hot Springs, NC Destination: ??
Hot Springs on the way out |
I took a long time getting ready to get out of town and made the mistake of not checking the post office hours. Welcome to small town America! The post office was closed from 11 am to 1:30 pm and I had to wait for it to re-open in order to send some gear home. In Hot Springs I decided to change out my alcohol stove for a canister stove. My alcohol was working just fine, but I was getting tired of the longer boil times. I think this might be due to my stand/wind shield design not letting enough air flow around my pot. I did not have the tools to make a new one and decided to just go with the canister stove for now. While I waited I used to library computers to catch up on a few things and before I knew it it was almost 2pm. I did not leave town until 3pm and instead of staying in town again I opted to get up to the ridge and do a short mile day. I ended up staying in the fields above a small damn at about mile 280.
First signs of Spring |
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