We spent the night back at the Pavilion in Port Clinton. B-rockets mother is great! I'm really getting spoiled by the slack packing. Today that ends though. Moxie discovered that her favorite beer Yuengling is produced real close to where we are. Taking full advantage of having a car for the moment she convinced us all to go take the brewery tour. So much for a long mile day of slack packing. While I did want to get the miles in, I am glad to embrace the moment and take little gifts like this when they come. Off to the brewery we went!
One of the more interesting areas to me was the bottling plant. On the day I visted they were running cans on the line. Its a great tour and you even get free beer to sample at the end!
As a result of taking the tour, we were only able to get in 9 miles for the day. Early on we ran back into Chin-Music who was taking a break at the Bake Oven shelter. We all finished the day together and headed into Palmerton to stay at the Jail House hostel. It is actually in the old town hall basement, but no, its not a jail! Still pretty good despite the late start time.
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