Day: 83 Miles: 13.2 Trip: 1068.2 Started: Raven Rock Sh. Destination: Tumbling Run Sh.
Got a good start today and pushed the first five miles in just 1 hour and 45 minutes. Phiffer has a friend in VA that was able to come out and meet us near Waynesboro. He took us to town and we stuffed ourselves at a buffet before a quick re-supply. We took a little too much time in town and only managed a 13.2 mile day. It was worth it though to get a good lunch.
We got off the trail for lunch at Pen Mar County park. When we got back we met up with Chin Music and B-Rocket. Sitting talking to them a squirrel fell out of a tree right behind me. The poor thing made a heavy thud and when we turned to look at him he tried to run away, but his hind legs were not working at all. He tried to climb a tree but was only able to make it a few feet with his front legs only. Not sure if he broke his back on the fall or has always been this way we contemplated doing the humane thing by putting him down. Looking at him we decided that he had no visible wounds and was still actually able to climb the tree. We let him be.
EDIT: We met some hikers today (6/8) who had seen the same squirrel a day before we did. His legs were not working then also. It seems he may have been like this for a long time. Funny though that he cant come down a tree without his back legs and has to fall from the branches to get down.
After lunch we made it to the Mason Dixon Line. We are finally in the North! I suddenly feel more at home :) Maryland is behind us now and were are on to Pennsylvania. Many say this is a nice change as most of the long states are behind us and things seem to come faster as states come and go. PA is a 200 or so miles and NJ and NY are even shorter. We stayed at the Snoring / No Snoring shelters and I was banished to the Snoring side. :(
Scott I like the pictures very much keep sending the pictures. When do you think you will get to my area let me know the shelters look very comfy I didn't know you snored
Yes, I do snore. Not nearly as bad as some and not all the time, but those I have slept many nights with think I warrant my going to the 'snoring' shelter. More of a joke than anything.
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