Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Day 123: Killington

Day: 123 Miles: 12.4 Trip:  1699.5 Started: Governor Clement Shelter  Destination:  Rt 4 VT

Not much to say about today but more rain!  I got into the shelter last night and managed to dry off a little.  Today I go over Mt. Killington.  I was hoping for better weather over Killington.  I have skied here many times and I was looking forward to seeing it in the summer.  The cloud cover socked in the views.  I got down off Killington and came to the split in trail where the Long trail continues north in VT and the AT heads north east to NH.  I took a side trail down to Rt4 and caught the hourly bus into Rutland.  There is a hostel in Rutland and I wanted to take the opportunity to dry off.


Anonymous said...

Are u in NH. yet? Mom

Scott Naef said...

Yes, in Hanover as of two days ago. I'm taking two zeros here. I head out tomorrow towards the Whites. I have about 2 days before the real mountains start.