Saturday, July 6, 2013

Day 101: Getting hot

Day: 101 Miles: 18.8 Trip: 1424.6  Started: 1405.8 Destination: RPH Shelter, NY

What a hot day! According to my thermometer it is 96 at about 12pm.  Slogging it out in 85+% humidity is pretty draining.  About half way through the day I passed by Clarence Fahnestock State Park.  The park has a nice lake (Canopus Lake) with a roped off swimming area and a concession stand.  I could not pass up the opportunity to get something to eat and beat the heat for a bit.  I took a short .5 mile side trail down to the beach area and found some of the crew from the night before.  The park is a little close to NY and was pretty packed with people out to beat the heat just like me.  I got some food from the concession stand and took a short nap on the lawn.  At about 3pm I got up and took a nice long swim in the lake, it felt so good!  Despite the crowds it was a nice break and I ended up hanging out there for another few hours.  By the time I left it was 6pm, and I still had 6 miles to go for the day.  I made it into RPH shelter just before dark, a really great day all and all despite the heat.

911 Memorial on top of Shenandoah Mt.

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