64 Miles: 22.5 Trip: 691.1
Started: Laurel Creek Sh. Destination: Pickle Branch Sh.

Not much all that exiting as far as terrain goes for the past few days. I started out in some nice open valleys before starting some longer ridge walks. The ridge line had fair views but nothing as good as we have seen so far. For now the weather is holding up but it is supposed to rain tonight and tomorrow. On top of Brush Mt, I was able to take a short break and visit the Audie Murphy Monument dedicated to the most decorated soldier of World War II.
The rain set in up on top of Brush Mt. and just as I started the decent it started to get pretty heavy. I'm thankful it held out as long as it did, but I still came into the shelter soaked. Oh well. No pain, no rain, no Maine!

One highlight of the day was seeing the Kiefer Oak. Its the oldest Oak tree on the trail and only second oldest to Dover Oak in NY. Its 300+ years old and over 18 ft. around its trunk. I hope it lasts 300 more.
Tomorrow I was originally going to make it over McAfee Knob and Tinker
Cliffs but with the rain I might do a short day tomorrow and take
advantage of good weather the next day. I'm on my own for now but hope
to catch a few friends up at McAfee Knob.
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