My gear is almost finalized.
My pack fully loaded with (almost) everything except food and water. I still need a few odds and ends. I need sunglasses, a hat for daily wear that I don't feel stupid in. I'm not much of a hat person to start with but I think I would like one to keep the sun out of my eyes and reduce sunburn. I need to flush out my first aide kit add a pair of rain pants. I'm still not sure about the rain pants. I have a lightweight pair of wind pants that are not water proof but might just let my legs get wet. The only thing I am afraid of is being too cold early in the trip if it get wet (and it will).
I'll do a full gear post when its finalized!. Only five days to go! I leave NJ on the 4th and am on the trail the morning of the 6th.
please be safe and update us as often as possible. :) good luck and take tons of pictures!
Yes, take lots of pictures and save lots of specimens of nature from the trails
Stay safe and let me know when you start
I will! I have all my supplies worked out. Leaving at 8am tomorrow!
I will! I have all my supplies worked out. Leaving at 8am tomorrow!
How far have you hiked?? Hows the weather there? seen much wild life yet? We had a good snow storm here but it is going to be warm and melt tomorrow. Are there many people on the trail? MOM
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